On our last night in
Monterey we went out to listen to some Samba music at “Sly McFly’s.”
The music was great and the club was pretty cool too.
Brady and I are always trying to meet new people to spice things up a bit and we met some cool kids, Jenny Tonja and John.

I'll let the picture do the talking.
It really makes it easy to meet people when you can tell them, “yeah, we just sailed in the other day.
We live on a boat.
We’re on our way to
We’re cool.”
They liked our story, and Jenny instantly labeled our adventure “Brokeback Sailboat.”
Ha ha.
We haven’t been at sea that long, yet.
But it was fun hanging out with them, and after we left Sly McFly’s they took us to a birthday party for some random guy where I talked to an old wine salesman with a walrus mustache and where an up and coming opera singer performed “Happy Birthday” to the birthday boy and girl.
Weird party, but it was pretty entertaining.
Oh yeah, and there was this girl there who showed us her very own made up 80’s dance, “The Keg.”
Next time you see me or Brady, ask us to perform it for you.
It’s priceless.
We took our new friends sailing on the Bay the next day, and saw thousands of jellies and enjoyed a really nice afternoon sail.
It was John’s first time on a sailboat, and we felt pretty privileged to provide that experience for him.

We also got this great picture of Jenny “handling” the boat.
She needed a little help, as you can see.
Captain’s responsible for the boat at all times, ya know.

And the next day, off we sailed--to Santa Barbara, and beyond!
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